Nice to meet,

Delet Ptoha

Our company was founded out of the understanding of the need for a service revolution in the field of building management, our experienced staff and professional knowledge will provide you with an efficient solution and excellent service!
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Delet Ptoha Boutique Company is a building management company comprised of an educated, high-quality and knowledgeable human team. We emphasize providing personal and courteous service while providing broad management solutions and services tailored to the buildings that receive our management.

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Our Services

Each building has different needs, Delet Ptoha with its vast knowledge and experience knows how to provide you with any service and the most suitable service for your structure.

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Our Services

Each building has different needs, Delet Ptoha with its vast knowledge and experience knows how to provide you with any service and the most suitable service for your structure

Annual health check of building systems

Did you know that the various state authorities require annual health checks? These tests are important to be carried out according to the standard and on time, since their treatment and preservation can prevent high unexpected costs later on and even save lives. Annual health checks of fire detection and extinguishing systems, generator, forensic inspection (preventing the possibility of contamination of drinking water in the building), inspection of blowers, cleaning and disinfection of a water reservoir (which may be used by the building's residents in emergency situations), semi-annual health check of the building's elevators and more.

Avialable Service

Ongoing service is available, professional and courteous – we are available for you. Handling routine malfunctions in common areas requires availability and knowledge in order to handle the malfunction in the most efficient, fast and inexpensive way. All this is done in order to maintain the quality of life of the building's residents, preserve the building and maintain its facilities in the ideal way.

Building a budget and collecting payments

Building a budget and collecting payments in an orderly, efficient and secure manner – our company knows how to build a budget tailored to the needs of the building while maximizing the costs of management and maintenance of the building along with its preservation in the best possible way. In addition, payments will be collected by us monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or annually, in the most convenient means for each resident.


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Buildings under our management

Tel Aviv

Management of a residential building, Shenkin 30

To The Project
Tel Aviv

Residential Building Management, Pinsker 19

To The Project

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